Category: Powerapps Component Framework (Page 1 of 2)

Extending the Patient Clinical Timeline on Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare

The Patient Clinical Timeline enables care managers to track key clinical information such as conditions, episodes of care, procedures, or medications by providing an at-a-glance view via the calendar control.

It also enables the quick creation of events via the control.

One of the key advantages of this control is the ability to extend it to custom tables within your solution.

In this article, we will explain the basics of the configuration of the patient clinical timeline and how to format your configuration schema file properly.

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How to Create Buttons with Icons within PCF (using Font-Awesome)

I’ve noticed that people in the PowerApps community have been having trouble using image resources within their custom PCF controls, so I thought I would look at a simple but novel approach for customizing your buttons and icons.

If you aren’t familiar with font-awesome they let you search from a catalog of great looking icons that you embed within your web apps.

In the following example, I created three buttons which have their own font-awesome icons. This was achieved by doing two things

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