Category: Tips and Tricks (Page 1 of 2)

How to Create Buttons with Icons within PCF (using Font-Awesome)

I’ve noticed that people in the PowerApps community have been having trouble using image resources within their custom PCF controls, so I thought I would look at a simple but novel approach for customizing your buttons and icons.

If you aren’t familiar with font-awesome they let you search from a catalog of great looking icons that you embed within your web apps.

In the following example, I created three buttons which have their own font-awesome icons. This was achieved by doing two things

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D365 V9.0 – A Feature a Day – Label Wrapping in V9.0

Welcome to my new blog series – D365 V9.0 – Andrew Ly’s – A Feature a Day, as most of you are aware by now Microsoft Dynamics 365 Version 9.0 has been official released to the public. And it is stunning.

So, I’ll be doing a bit of self-discovery over the next few weeks, focusing on some of the items that I’m interested in and sharing my thoughts with you. They’ll be brief but frequent postings, and I’ll try to stick strictly to one feature a day.

Today’s Feature – Label Wrapping

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How to change Resolution Type status labels in Dynamics Cases

This troubleshooting blog post was written in response to a question on the community forum on how to change the resolution type label for cases.

When you click on Resolve Case you will see a pop up. With the options to change the Resolution Type to either Problem Solved or Information Provided.

To change this, goto Settings > Customize the System. Then navigate to Entities > Cases.

Click on Fields and Locate “Status Reason”.

Edit the Status Reason (StatusCode) attribute.

Change the Status dropdown from Active to Resolved

Edit the Label for “Problem Solved” and change this to a value of your choosing, in this case “Resolved”.

Click OK.

Click Save and Close. Then Publish All Customizations.

Now when you resolve a case you should see the new value reflected on the pop up dialog.

How to Use Dynamics Optionset Labels within PowerBI


One of the current limitations of using PowerBI with Dynamics 365, is that it will not automatically map your OptionSet values with labels. For example if you have defined OptionSet values for Gender as 1 = Male, 2 = Female within PowerBI visualisations this would appear as 1 and 2 rather than Male and Female. Thankfully Gap Consulting have created a nice XrmToolBox plugin called the “PowerBI Option-Set Assistant” to work around this limitation.

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Embed PowerBI Reports into Microsoft Portal

Microsoft make it incredibly easy to create and share content, including content from PowerBI onto other platforms. PowerBI is a powerful business analytics service that comes with a host of features to present data and visualisations to all your stakeholders, both inside your network and in this case outside your network. Today we will be looking at the Publish to Web feature within PowerBI.

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